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SLWDB Local Statistics

Find current statistics and analysis on the local labour force, population numbers, employment by industry or occupation and educational attainment.

Note: Data source counts each location as a separate business entity.

Current Indicators

2024 Unemployment Rate (%)


2023 Unemployment Rate (%)


2024 Sarnia-Lambton Employment Numbers

# of employed persons61,50061,40062,90064,50064,90064,30064,80064,70065,40064,80064,00065,400
# of unemployed persons5,8006,1005,6005,3005,9006,8006,2006,3005,8005,9006,9007,400

2023 Sarnia-Lambton Employment Numbers

# of employed persons62,30063,30063,40062,20061,60067,70060,10062,30062,30063,20061,40062,200
# of unemployed persons5,2004,2004,2005,2005,4004,8004,3004,7004,8003,7005,4004,800

2024 Sarnia-Lambton Participation Rate

Participation Rate (%)59.559.560.361.361.962.061.861.661.561.061.161.0

2023 Sarnia-Lambton Participation Rate

Participation Rate (%)

*Statistics Canada. Labour Force Survey, 2023.

Note: Statistics Canada updates their estimates for labour force statistics. Published unemployment rates & employment numbers listed above are updated to reflect these changes.

Census Division and Subdivisions in Lambton County

The census divisions of Ontario are used by Statistics Canada to aggregate census data. The following chart depicts the population size of various cities in Lambton County in 2021.

Location2021 Population Sizes
Lambton County128,154
Kettle & Stony Point1,233
Lambton Shores11,876
Oil Springs647
Point Edward1,930
Walpole Islandn/a

*Source: Statistics Canada 2021 Census

Employment Population Statistics

Below are population numbers for census division by industry and by occupation in Lambton County in 2016.

Employment by Industry (Top 10)2021
Health Care and Social Assistance8,795
Retail Trade6,500
Educational Services3,800
Accommodation and Food Services3,755
Professional, Scientific Technical Services2,945
Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting2,930
Administrative and Support, Waste Management and Remediation Services2,735

*Source: Statistics Canada 2016

Employment by Occupation (Top 10)2021
Sales and Service14,460
Trades, Transport and Equipment Operators12,705
Business, Finance and Administration7,210
Education, Law and Social, Community and Government Services6,105
Natural and Applied Sciences4,055
Manufacturing and Utilities3,700
Natural Resources, Agriculture and Related Production3,100
Art, Culture, Recreation and Sport965
Legislative and senior management410

*Source: Statistics Canada 2016

Educational Attainment

Below is a chart depicting Lambton County’s overall Educational Attainment for those aged 15 years and over, 2016

Educational Attainment2021
No Certificate, Diploma or Degree17,615
High School Certificate or Equivalent30,835
Apprenticeship, Trades Certificate or Diploma11,075
College, CEGEP or other Non-University Certificate or Diploma29,275
University Certificate, Diploma or Degree or Above14,825

*Source: Statistics Canada 2016

Employers: Top Industries

Below are the top industries in which large, medium and small employers operate in Lambton County.

Large Employers (500 employees and over)

Industry# of Large Businesses
Chemical manufacturing2
Educational services2
Local, municipal and regional public administration2
Heavy and civil engineering construction1
Specialty trade contractors1
Pipeline transportation1
Management of companies and enterprises1

Medium Employers (100-499 employees)

Industry# of Medium Businesses
Nursing and residential care facilities9
Food and Beverage Stores8
Chemical Manufacturing5
Petroleum and coal product manufacturing4
Crop production3
Machinery, equipment and supplies merchant wholesalers3
General merchandise stores3
Professional, scientific and technical services3
Ambulatory health care services3
Specialty trade contractors2
Primary metal manufacturing2
Building material and garden equipment and supplies dealers2
Real estate2
Administrative and support services2
Social assistance2
Local, municipal and regional public administration2
Aboriginal public administration2
Total (not all are listed here)72

Small Employers (1-99 employees)

Industry# of Small Businesses
Specialty trade contractors302
Ambulatory health care services270
Professional, scientific and technical services245
Food services and drinking places219
Religious, grant-making, civic, and professional and similar organizations137
Real estate136
Construction of buildings133
Total (not all are listed here)3,414

Businesses Without Employees

Industry# of Businesses Without Employees
Real estate1,882
Crop production1,570
Professional, scientific and technical services530
Animal production and aquaculture438
Securities, commodity contracts, and other financial investment and related activities379
Specialty trade contractors286
Ambulatory health care services273
Total (not all are listed here)7,503

Source: Statistics Canada. Canadian Business Counts, June 2022.
Note: Data source counts each location as a separate business entity.

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